Species laws are principles that protect threatened species or species at risk. These laws can stipulate important measures that help endangered species to recover and multiply. Unfortunately, Canada lacks these laws, which declines half of the species’ numbers.
Globally, wildlife populations are decreasing at a considerably high rate due to ecological interferences, climate change, and human operations among other factors. In Canada, some kinds of wildlife like grassland birds have declined in number by 55% since the late 1970s.
From this point, Canadian Parks & Trees Protection decided to take part in an alliance that would convince the federal government to pass the Species At Risk Act (SARA). This was Canada’s very first modern species protection law, which started operating in 2004. The main objective of SARA was to prevent indigenous species, distinct populations, and subspecies from being extinct and enable their recovery.
However, SARA law only protects aquatic species, migrating birds, and species on federal land. The achievements of SARA can encourage the management of other species to ensure that all species are legally protected.
Even with species protection laws, changes in governance can greatly affect rare species. In August 2019, Canadians were so exasperated with the decision of the then president, Donald Trump to change the US’s Endangered Species Act.
Currently, Canadian Parks & Trees Protection is still championing the implementation of species law that will end and reverse the biodiversity catastrophe.